Where you been, I just seen this post, I followed you for everything on the Remake and loved your in depth videos were the best, it came out and then u been silent, u not on YouTube making videos anymore? Where can I watch your hour/hours long videos of u talking about everything, miss them, im such a FF7 fan, been playing the games since the first on NES.

U broke it down so nice and geeked about it like I did, COME BACK WITH YOUR VIDEOS PLEASE

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I'm glad you like my content :)

I would really like to continue creating videos like I used to, but due to multiple factors, that's not feasible anymore. I just don't have the capacity.

Please read my long statement in this Patreon post to learn more: https://www.patreon.com/posts/paradigm-shift-83379044

I will focus on creating articles for the foreseeable future, which are basically video scripts enriched with footnotes, links, and images or even short video clips if necessary.

Fellow scholars might create videos out of my articles and I'm also going to try performing live analyses on Discord and upload a condensed version of them on YouTube. So, videos should not go away completely.

I know, reading articles is not everybody's cup of tea, but it's the only way I can publish all my thoughts in a timely manner without burning myself out.

Thank you for your understanding.

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